• Greeters
    • Back Door
    • Front Door
    • Sanctuary Bulletin
    • Sanctuary Check-In
  • Making Coffee for Worship Service
  • Flowers
  • Production Team
    • Sound System
    • Lights
    • Computer
    • Live Stream
      • Camera Operator
      • Computer
Current Coordinator Diane Chermak

Church greeters are an important part of the hospitality ministry of our church. They
are the first impression people get when they enter our church doors. As a greeter you will provide a smile, handshake, eye contact and friendly words of welcome as you hand them a church bulletin or open the back door to the church for them. You will also provide information such as where things are located in the church, such as restrooms and childcare facilities. Greeting is an opportunity to express God’s love through Christ and help set the tone of the upcoming worship service. Our greeters volunteer on a rotating schedule.

Hospitality Team

This Team has the important task to put out the donuts and makes sure everyone gets thier coffee to be awake for service, and sets the scene with flowers.  

Flower Order Coordinator

Helps cordinated the church Poinsettia and Lilly orders during the year. 

Production Team
Coordinated By Frank Palmisano & Jeremy Wilmot

During the morning worship service volunteers are needed to run the sound and light boards in the back of the sanctuary. Someone is also needed to operate the computer that runs our slide presentations, videos and more. Other individuals assist with running the online streaming  and cameras during the service. If you have ears to hear, eyes to see and fingers to that can work a tablet or computer mouse this job is for you. All training will be provided if you are interested in serving.

Stage Design for Sermon Series
Do you like to decorate?

This group of people will meet with Carl on setting up the design for each sermon series. May include just decorating or getting creative and building something.