We ask that all volunteers for this hour arrive by 10:45 am and stay till all kids are picked up after service typically by 12:15 pm
Toddler Room and Nursery Volunteers
A CWKidz Nursery Room volunteer looks after our littlest members of our church ensuring a safe environment to play or nap or have a parent sit and hold their child during service. During the year a nursery room volunteer may be asked to wipe down and sanitize some toys around the nursery room.
Teacher Pre-K and K
A CWKidz JAM Teacher facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. Curriculum can be developed by the teacher in concert with the Children’s Ministry Director. Or curriculum can be provided.
Helper Pre-K and K
A CWKidz JAM Helper facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. The teacher focuses on engagement through the lesson and songs. A Helper assists by working more directly with children who need extra attention, or by running games, or other duties that may arise.
Teacher Elementary Age
A CWKidz JAM Teacher facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. Pick up the children from the snack room. Stories and videos are provided helping the teacher to focus on engagement and growth rather than preparation.
Helper Elementary Age
A CWKidz JAM Helper facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. The teacher focuses on engagement through the lesson and songs. A Helper assists by working more directly with children who need extra attention, or by running games, or other duties that may arise.