• CWKidz Connecting (Sunday 9:45-11:00) Teachers & Assistants
    • Nursery
    • Toddlers
    •  Pre-K & Kindergarden
    • 1st -5th Grades
  • CWKidz Jam  (Sunday 11:00 am -12:10 pm )Programs
    • Nursery
    • Toddlers
    •  Pre-K & Kindergarden
    • 1st -5th Grades
  • CWKIDZ  Club - Wednesday nights 6:30-7:45 pm, for kids in Kindergarten-5th Grade during the school year
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS) - August 4th-7th from 9:30-11:30 am
  • After School Good News Club - Tuesday afternoons during the school year 3:45 pm-5:15 pm
       * Please note that ALL volunteers in Children Ministry will be required to take a short Child Safety Training and pass a background check. 
CWKidz Connect Sunday Mornings
We requested all volunteers to be here by 9:30 am

Nursery Leader & Helper (Leader must be an adult/ Helper maybe a teen)
A CWKidz Connect Nursery worker looks after a nursery age baby during the first hour on a Sunday morning.

Teacher Toddler Room (Must be an adult)
A CWKidz Connect Teacher facilitates an activity or games during the first hour on a Sunday morning.

Helper Toddler (may be a teen)
A CWKidz Connect Helper engages children during the first hour on a Sunday morning through encouragement and assistance for children while supporting the teacher.

Teacher Elementary Age (Must be an Adult)
A CWKidz Connect Teacher facilitates an activity or games during the first hour on a Sunday morning. A snack time bridges the time between the activity and the JAM hour.

Helper Elementary Age (May be a teen)
A CWKidz Connect Helper engages children during the first hour on a Sunday morning through encouragement and assistance. A snack time bridges the time between the activity and the JAM hour.

Click here If you would like more information on any Children Ministry Positions
We ask that all volunteers for this hour arrive by 10:45 am and stay till all kids are picked up after service typically by 12:15 pm

Toddler Room and Nursery Volunteers

A CWKidz Nursery Room volunteer looks after our littlest members of our church ensuring a safe environment to play or nap or have a parent sit and hold their child during service. During the year a nursery room volunteer may be asked to wipe down and sanitize some toys around the nursery room.

Teacher Pre-K and K
A CWKidz JAM Teacher facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. Curriculum can be developed by the teacher in concert with the Children’s Ministry Director. Or curriculum can be provided.

Helper Pre-K and K
A CWKidz JAM Helper facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. The teacher focuses on engagement through the lesson and songs. A Helper assists by working more directly with children who need extra attention, or by running games, or other duties that may arise.

Teacher Elementary Age
A CWKidz JAM Teacher facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. Pick up the children from the snack room. Stories and videos are provided helping the teacher to focus on engagement and growth rather than preparation.

Helper Elementary Age

A CWKidz JAM Helper facilitates spiritual growth through Bible engagement, an activity, and songs during the second hour on a Sunday morning. The teacher focuses on engagement through the lesson and songs. A Helper assists by working more directly with children who need extra attention, or by running games, or other duties that may arise.


Current Coordinators Dave & Debbie Lewis

A volunteer for CWKidz Club helps facilitate growth in Jesus in our children on Wednesday
nights. CWKidz Club is a time of songs, stories, snacks, and games where children from our
church and other guests learn about God. Volunteers should demonstrate growth in God’s Spirit
through their relationship with Jesus, enjoy spending time with children, and willingness to have
fun through songs, stories, snacks, and games. This mid-week program for kids K-5th Grade runs Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:45. 

August 4-7th Mornings

There is always a need for many volunteers of all skill sets. With so many options like decorating the church, working registration, taking photos, or greeting families at the door, leading a group of kids, or leading a station like games, crafts, and snacks, we need you.   Come join us.

After-School Good News Club
Current Coordinator Barb Good

This outreach ministry for children in elementary school meets Tuesdays 3:45-5:15 pm  during the school year. Children are offered Bible teaching, with emphasis on the Gospel, in this after school club.  Volunteers serve as small group leaders, support for the large group time, assistants with the plays and prayer partners for their students.